I am on a quest to be more happy. The question has always been on my mind. It was a worthy goal. Is there a pill which you take and become happy. You can taken bhang but once the effect goes the misery will come back. It was easy to conclude that I will be more happy if the society where I live is happy. My happiness can never be in isolation. The question to be pondered is how can I and the society I live be more happy. In my childhood I thought the government should give money to all and all will be happy. It is as simple as that. The next question to probe was, are there societies which are more happy than us. The answer was west. The next question was how come the west which was caught in religious war and persecution transformed itself in last 200 years. Are they fundamentally better than us ? Having worked extensively with people from west I see no fundamental difference than us. So what was the magic that brought prosperity to western world ? This is the quest which I plan to share with all. This was always a private quest but having learnt so much from Internet I have realized the value in sharing. Who knows how it will help some one. If not anything it will help me to formulate my ideas more clearly. So stay tuned and please give feedback as the quest continues
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